20 Jun How Solar Energy Compliments Electric Vehicles
Solar energy and electric vehicles go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you have a solar PV system on your home, you can install additional capacity to charge an electric car. Now that solar systems are more efficient than ever, it is even easier to install a solar system on your roof that is large enough to both power your home and your electric car.
From the Nissan Leaf to the Chevy Bolt to the Tesla Model S, there are now many cars on the market that are both reliable and fun to drive. Electric vehicle technology is advancing, and the range is getting bigger. That means that electric vehicles can drive farther on one charge than ever before.
Many of the same families that want to power their homes with solar energy also want to find cleaner transportation options. Combining a solar PV system with electric vehicle ownership is a great way to achieve this. To determine if a house has enough space for solar panels to power both an electric vehicle and the home, it depends on the solar equipment efficiency, size of the south-facing roof, shading on the panels, the energy required to charge the electric vehicle, and home energy use.
In some cases, Sundog Solar customers have added more panels to have additional capacity for electric vehicle charging. In fact, Sundog Solar recently upgraded its solar system on our offices in Searsport, Maine, and we now charge our Chevy Bolt from clean, renewable energy.
Sundog Solar installs electric vehicle charging stations for Maine homes and businesses. We can also accurately size a solar system upgrade to enable electric vehicle charging from your home solar energy system.
Want to cut your fossil fuel use? Contact Sundog Solar today to learn about electric vehicle charging with clean, solar energy!