Solar Systems with Battery Backup
Did you know that most solar systems do not work during power outages, even when the sun is shining? If a solar system doesn’t have batteries, it will typically not power your business during a blackout. Don’t be left in the dark when you need power the most!
Benefits of hybrid solar
Virtually eliminate your electricity bills
- Have backup energy during grid outages
- Spend less than an off-grid system
- Greater energy independence
- Grid-tied systems with battery backup are the most flexible solar electrical systems. They work similarly to a regular grid-tied solar system except they allow you to store some of your power.
Solar businesses can

- Choose to run your business entirely off your solar panels and batteries, drawing from the grid only as a last resort
- Do the reverse and use your batteries only if the utility grid goes down, so you have power during blackouts
- Use the utility grid to charge batteries when there is no sun for days
Sundog Solar – Maine’s Solar Energy Experts
Since 2009, Sundog Solar has designed and installed grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid solar PV systems throughout Maine. From Brunswick to Augusta, Rockland, Brewer, Ellsworth, and beyond, Sundog Solar has a reputation for excellent customer service and quality workmanship. The Sundog Solar team has certified solar installers and electricians to help you slash your energy bills and gain energy independence.